Rafikov Ramil 应用

Turon Telecom Client 1.2
Rafikov Ramil
Данное приложение создано специально дляабонентов интернет провайдера Turon Telecom.С помощью этого приложения вы сможете быстро и своевременнопроверять баланс вашего счёта, остаток трафика, получать информациюпо дополнительным услугам а так-же получать оповещения приисчерпании лимита трафика или окончания расчётного периода.This application isdesigned specifically for ISP subscribers Turon Telecom.With this app you can quickly and timely to check your accountbalance, the balance of traffic, to receive information onadditional services as well as being to receive notification when atraffic limit is reached or the end of the accounting period.
UzKommunal 2.15
Rafikov Ramil
Client to track payment status, and evidence of public services.
Allplay 4.54
Rafikov Ramil
This application is intended for users in Uzbekistan. Allplay isanapplication that allows you to keep abreast of the latestproductsof the world film industry. You can keep track of yourfavorite TVseries and keep abreast of the release of new episodes,as well astrack the releases of world blockbusters in filmdistribution. Withthe help of the IPTV function, you can watch TVchannels in theTAS-IX network without expensive tariffs forexternal Internettraffic. For full-fledged work, registration isrequired athttp://allplay.uz Information material is provided fromtheAllmovies.uz portal (http://allmovies.uz) with their consent.Allresources are in the TAS-IX network! (Traffic for Uzbekprovidersis not spent) Payment instructions: https://allplay.uz/faqAccessto the camera is required for authorization by QR code, wenolonger use the camera!